ESG Resources

Browse a variety of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) resources to provide insight and support as your company navigates this landscape. With any questions or suggestions for additional resources, please contact ALDA staff.

Why ESG Matters and How It Impacts Our Industry

ESG encompasses a wide range of criteria that influence a company’s performance, business execution, and value creation. ESG reporting will directly impact public companies, but its considerations drive value and sustainability for all companies.

  • Mark Fischer-Colbrie, Member, Board of Directors, Strateos, Inc., and ALDA Board Member. Task Force Co-Chair.
  • Melissa Sherman, CEO, MOBILion Systems, and ALDA Board Member. Task Force Co-Chair.
  • Brad Gray, President & CEO, NanoString Technologies
  • Paula Green, VP of Human Resources, Twist Bioscience
  • Miguela Gonzalez, Head of Diversity & Inclusion, Abcam
  • Patrick Kaltenbach, President & CEO, Mettler Toledo, and Immediate Past ALDA Chair
  • Dr. Jean Qiu, Chief Technology Officer, Conifer Life Sciences Group
  • Gus Salem, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Eureka Life Science Consulting
  • Dan Shine, Senior Vice President & President, Analytical Instruments Group, Thermo Fisher Scientific, ALDA Board Member
  • Lena Wu, Executive Chair, Phizzle Inc.

Diversity & Inclusion Benchmarking Survey | 2021
Members: please contact ALDA to request the Executive Summary.

Diversity & Inclusion Pulse Survey | March 2022
View the Executive Summary

Diversity & Inclusion Benchmarking Survey | 2023
Survey data was collected June-July 2023. This survey mirrors our 2021 benchmarking effort and collected data on diversity in the workplace as well as diversity and inclusion practices. We hosted a webinar with our partners at Pearl Meyer to review survey data and trends and discuss big takeaways. The webinar recording is available to survey participants. Please contact ALDA to request the recording.

ALDA has partnered with these organizations to help our members advance their ESG goals.

Seeding Labs believes that unleashing the full potential of scientists worldwide is our best hope for fighting global diseases, feeding our growing population, and protecting our planet. They aim to equip all scientists with the tools, training, and connections they need to be on the cutting edge of global discovery.

Their flagship Instrumental Access Equipment Program makes affordable, high-quality laboratory equipment available to universities and research institutes in developing countries. Learn more about donating equipment.

Springboard is a leading network of influencers, investors, and innovators dedicated to building high-growth companies led by women who are transforming industries. ALDA supports a Springboard event at the JPM Healthcare Conference each year.

ALDA member companies use many resources to reach their D&I goals; these are resources the member community has shared. If you have any additional resources you would like to share with ALDA members, please let us know.

BioBuilder is advancing synthetic biology by bringing tomorrow’s science into today’s classrooms. The organization offers new and creative curriculum that teaches world-class life science engineering, for free, and for all.

Catalyst is a global nonprofit supported by many of the world’s most powerful CEOs and leading companies to help build workplaces that work for women. Their work focuses on four key areas: Advancing Women, Women and the Future of Work, Lead for Equity and Inclusion, and MARC (Men Advocating Real Change).

The Conference Board is a trusted source of insights to help its members anticipate “What’s Ahead,” improve their performance, and better serve society. The Board also has multiple councils focused on D&I. 

Gartner provides various research pieces on D&I initiatives to help organizations build a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment.

Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index is the national benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices, and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer employees.

The Journal of Emerging Investigators (JEI) is an open-access journal that publishes original research in the biological and physical sciences that is written by middle and high school students. JEI is a non-profit organization run and operated by graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and professors across the United States.

The mission of Life Science Cares is to leverage the intellectual, financial, and human capital of the life sciences industry in an effort to reduce the effects of poverty in Boston, Philadelphia, San Diego, and the Bay Area.

MedShare is dedicated to improving the quality of life of people, communities, and our planet by sourcing and directly delivering surplus medical supplies and equipment to communities in need around the world.

From Mercer: “Our 2020 global report, Let’s Get Real About Equality, builds upon our seminal 2014 and 2016 research and examines the achievements made to date and the ground yet to cover.”

NCF is a coalition of Black and Brown executives in Massachusetts who have come together to leverage their individual and collective power to work with community organizations and coalitions to address and eliminate systemic racism and racial inequity in the Commonwealth.

POC-Focused Networking and Professional Development Groups

  • American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) – a national nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of Indigenous peoples of North America and the Pacific Islands in STEM studies and careers.
  • The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) – founded in 1975, NSBE supports and promotes the aspirations of collegiate and pre-collegiate students and technical professionals in engineering and technology.

SMASH empowers dedicated students of color with intensive STEM education, culturally-relevant coursework, and access to resources and social capital that allow them to be successful in college and in their careers. SMASH offers an internship program, SMASH Rising, that equips program alumni with the critical skills needed to design solutions for partnered companies. Read more details on hosting a SMASH Rising pod. 

My Green Lab® is building a global culture of sustainability in science. They offer a green certification program for products used in labs, as well as several other programs. By simply introducing a new perspective, My Green Lab has helped tens of thousands of people make a positive change to their work and create a culture of sustainability in the lab. 

Several ALDA members participate in My Green Lab’s ACT Program. Search the ACT database here.

Hogan leads the world in personality assessment and leadership development. With products and services in 56 countries and 47 languages, what began as a small startup has evolved into an industry leader serving more than half of the Fortune 500.

This 360 Emotional and Social Competency Inventory instrument provides data important to individuals and organizations as they track individual and organizational performance. Korn Ferry is a global organizational consulting firm. They work with clients to design optimal organization structures, roles, and responsibilities.

The Predictive Index is a talent optimization platform. Since 1955, they have honed the wisdom, guidance, and tools that help inspire employees be their most productive and engaged.

CliftonStrengths (formerly StrengthsFinder)

CliftonStrengths is a tool that inspires higher organizational and team performance, all while making every manager better. The assessment was invented by Don Clifton and has been used by organizations, managers, and millions of people to fuel better performance in workplaces around the world.

Read more about CliftonStrengths for teams and managers.

Do you have an ESG resource you’d like to share with the ALDA member community? Or are you looking for an additional resource? Please submit the information below and ALDA staff will follow up with you shortly.

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