If you have questions about membership, please contact Kerrie Peterson at

Since July 2023


Official representative: Jamey Jones, Chief Executive Officer
Alternate representative: Dr. Simon Prosser, VP, Operations


Official representative: Iain McWilliam, CEO
Alternate representative: Kirsty Macfarlane, COO




Official representative: Gregory T. Ward, President
Alternate representative: Julie Blake, CMO



Official representative: Barney E. Saunders, CEO
Alternate representative: Ignacio Pino, COO




Official representative: Jacques Corriveau, CEO
Alternate representative: Jeremy Lambert, Vice President Product Manangement





Official representative: Peter Y. Li, CEO
Alternate representative: Jean Qiu, CTO

Official representative: Renato Giacobbo Scavo, CEO
Alternate representative: Dario Ercolani, CDO


Official representative: Mark Truesdale, CEO
Alternate representative: Filip Delport, CTO



Official representative: Paul A. Conley, Chief Executive Officer
Alternate representative: Vikram Chaudhery, Chief Operating Officer




Official representative: Jan Litchenberg, CEO & Co-Founder
Alternate representative: Paul Clémençon, Chief Business Officer





Official representative:  David Summa, CEO
Alternate representative: Paul Davy, Vice President, Customer Success

Official representative: Dan Wood, CEO
Alternate representative: Richard Salliss, Sales Director





Official representative: Dr. Julia Fan Li, CEO
Alternate representative: Christopher Thompson, Co-founder and CTO




Official representative: Christian Henry, President & CEO
Alternate representative: Mark Van Oene, COO




Official representative: Dirk Bontridder, CEO
Alternate representative: John Luck, Chief Commercial Officer




Official representative: Cheri Walker, CEO
Alternate representative: Ann Boyd, Quality and Regulatory Affairs